plastic Vases

Round vase

This product is made of the highest quality raw material and are available in different colors and sizes: 10cm, 15cm and 17cm, and are suitable for a variety of cacti and ornamental plants. also its light, resistance to color change, has modern design and reasonable price.

Wall vase

This product is one of our latest models, which is produced in various colors, sizes, and designs and is easily installed on the wall.

Outdoor vase

These vases are very suitable for beautifying open outdoor areas. This product is made of polymer raw materials (polypropylene), and it comes in square, rectangular, circular, and long base designs. Nisham plastic outdoor vases are designed in large sizes to be used for all types of trees and urban shrubs. The features of these vases can be lightness, resistance to cold and extreme heat.

Double sided vase

This product is also known as terrace vase, potted vase, railing vase, and balcony vase, which is produced in various colors and sizes, such as circular, rectangular, and square designs. The materials used to make these vases are very resistant to heat and cold and are suitable for planting a variety of ornamental plants, balconies and vegetables.

Greenhouse vases

Nisham Trading Company greenhouse vases are produced in square and round shapes and in various sizes. These vases are made of high quality and durable materials in black color and in seedling models, buckets and black boxes. Seedling vases are used for cactus and plants and bucket vases and boxes are used for seedlings and large plants.

Cylindrical vase

This type of vase is one of our best types of vases, which has a high quality and is resistant to breakage, heat and cold, and it has a variety of colors, designs, and sizes.

Polygonal vase

We use specialized experts and the best raw materials to produce the largest variety of polygonal plastic vases. These types of vases can be ordered in different colors and sizes and are a good option for growing natural flowers.